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Monika Szűcsová
2018 - ongoing
Independent curator
with a focus on digital media art. In my approach to curating artworks, I am primarily concerned with exploring diverse methods in exhibiting works of artists working with various media types in both gallery or off-space (in both online and physical) locations.
Curated exhibitions
Nataliya Ilchuk - Marché
Vašulka Kitchen Brno
Susanna Flock - My inventory is a black hole
Vašulka Kitchen Brno
20.10.2022 - 1.12.2022
Alternative Models of the Future - Speculative Research through Art (part of the show Fields in Plural / Big Water)
Pragovka Gallery, Prague
7. 5. – 28. 8. 2022
Software art: an executable essay (online)
The best of all possible researches (Nejlepší z možných výzkumů)
Oblastní galerie Vysočiny v Jihlavě
3. 12. 2020 - 3. 1. 2021
August 2020 - October 2020
5.9. - 9.9.2019
Hands-on Media Art Theory
Festival Prototyp Brno
18. - 20.10.2019
READ_ME, RUN_ME, EXECUTE_ME: software art in teaching practise
Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University
(Brno Art Week)
7.3. - 11.3.2018
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